- Line 2 forces the system to use the static IP address. Line 3 declares the actual static IP address to be assigned to the enp0s3 network interface. On Line 4 we configure network mask and Line 5 is used to set a gateway IP address. Optionally, on Line 6 we can set multiple IP addresses of preferred DNS servers.
- The second way to assign a static IP address is to change the settings on the device itself. The advantage here is that the process is a little bit more straight-forward, but the downside is that each device might have a different method for assigning a static IP. Either method will work, so choose whichever option is more convenient.
Overall, Simple Static IP is indeed the easiest way to change network IP addresses on the go and the fact that it lets you save presets makes it so much better. Static IP Address Random IP Address.
How do I change the IP settings of a Windows CE 6 box Programatically via C++? Functions for Windows might also work.
I found that I can change the hostname via sethostname but couldn't find how to change IP address settings such as:
- IP Address
- Subnet
- Gateway
- DNS1 / DNS2
Any advice / pointers would be great.Thanks.
Ip Changer Tool

P.s. How would you get the box to update to those settings - is a refresh or the programming equivalent of ipconfig /renew
3 Answers
Have you checked out the IP Helper Routines on MSDN? I think these provide some, if not all, of what you need.
**EDIT: ** Updated link. Thanks ctacke
NG.NG.Most of these fall under the IpHlp API.
You don't really change an IP address -- you use DeleteIpAddress
delete the old one, then AddIpAddress
to add the new one. You specify the subnet mask when you add an address.
It's not clearly what you want to know about DHCP. You can use DHCP via IpReleaseAddress
and IpRenewAddress
. You can get the address of the current DHCP server with GetAdaptersInfo
(among others). At least if memory serves, getting its address is mostly for information though -- since the basic idea of DHCP is to avoid manual configuration, you normally find/use it via a broadcast message.
You can set the DNS and WINS servers via the the WMI Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
class (SetDNSServerSearchOrder
and SetWinsServer
You can adjust quite a few (most?) of the other parameters via WMI as well.
Static Ip Changer
Jerry CoffinStatic Ip Changer Software
Caveat: using IpHelper, AddIpAddress, does NOT change the ip address persistently.After a reboot, the original NIC settings are back.
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Ip Address Changer
Computers that connect to the Internet are assigned a unique numerical address known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. This unique address identifies each computer on the Internet so that computers can communicate with each other by sending and receiving information using this addressing scheme. A static IP address is simply a “permanent” address that remains associated with a single computer over an extended period of time. This differs from a dynamic IP address, which is assigned ad hoc at the start of each session, normally changing from one session to the next.
IP address assignment is handled by a person’s Internet Service Provider (ISP). Every ISP is designated a large block of IP addresses that fall within a specific numerical range. The ISP server automatically delegates available IP addresses within that range as needed, to clients logging on to the Internet. When a person disables his or her Internet connection, the temporarily assigned dynamic IP address goes back into the pool for reassignment. Dynamically assigned IP addresses are fine for most people, however, some prefer a static IP address.
In some situations having a static IP address is an advantage. For example, people who game online with remote players often prefer this type of IP address. When they return to a game, the hosting server recognizes them, restoring score, placement in the game, and other settings accordingly. A static IP is more reliable than a computer cookie that can be deleted.