A random number generation is very important in computing devices which helps them to do task in random manner. The applications of random number generation can be found in shuffling the audio files in an audio player, in almost all kind of digital games, generating passwords etc.There are so many algorithms which can generate the random numbers. The random number generating algorithms differ from other algorithms in an interesting way; they actually reads a random number from the hardware like the noise from the unconnected pins and then apply some calculations on it to generate a number which is inside a specified range.
This particular project explains how to generate a random number with the help of an Arduino board. The Arduino is an easy prototyping platform which is popular among both the hobbyist and experts due to its simplicity, ability and also due to the help available from the internet. The Arduino board is basically an AVR based board including all the required hardware for the microcontroller to function properly and also is flashed with the Arduino boot-loader. All the Arduino boards are compatible with the Arduino IDE which helps to compile the code and to program the board.
FAST 'N FREE. Label Maker Backlit LCD, Font Size 8 BROTHER PT D600VP See more like. 2.8inch TFT LCD ILI9341 with font SPI serial port module TFT color. MakerFocus Nextion Enhanced Version NX4024K032 3.2 Inch HMI LCD Touch Display. Do not use Nextion Editor's built-in Font Generator. Google for 'Nextion Font Generator' and give that a go. Library' to avoid it altogether and see how to program it with simple serial commands from any device that has a serial port. 3 people found.
I just recently started using a Sparkfun serial LCD. I am able to control it through an arduino, but I want to be able to control it through a terminal on my computer. To be able to move the cursor or clear the screen, you need to be able to send hexadecimal code to it, for example, 0xFE. I am unable to find an open source terminal program for Windows that will give me this functionality. An example of a program that works very well is Eltima serial port monitor, although it is rather expensive for just a student. I have a USB to serial FTDI breakout board to get the signal to the LCD. Any suggestions as for programs, under Windows 7, will be greatly appreciated.
Daniel Grillo12 Answers
$begingroup$I just write short Python programs using pySerial:
You want something like PuTTY or TeraTerm for human-readable serial i/o, or a good programming environment that makes it easy to open/access serial ports. I'm not a Python expert but MrEvil has a good point. Also the jsdb Javascript shell has an easy-to-use COM port feature:
Jason SJason Stake a look at bray terminal at http://hw-server.com/software/termv19b.html
i think it's the best free terminal
mba7mba7As everyone said before: Realterm. It's my #1 serial terminal program PERIOD.
Apart from that you may get good results with several other programs/hardware combinations:
Bus Pirate has a built-in LCD mode and can interface to nearly any serial device on any serial interface. You communicate with it via terminal software or Python, C, etc
Docklight is a terminal spying program/terminal scripting program that you may like. I've only begun to look into it but it seems like it has some good features.
See http://www.opencircuits.com/PC-Microcontroller_Communications for a discussion of serial monitors, mostly free.
I find that RealTerm works for all of my serial port applications. I'm not sure if you are looking to programatically control the LCD or just manually send data/commands to it. RealTerm will let you send hex or ASCII values to to the serial port. It's a little buggy sometimes, but it's great for the price (free).
My current favorite is MTTTY and can be downloaded from http://www.netburner.com/support/public_downloads.html
SeidleroniSeidleroniCool Term is pretty good and win/os x cross platform.
On unixy systems, 'screen /dev/ttyxxx' is pretty handy. I used to use cu a lot but there's a long standing bug in turning off flow control so it's less useful for embedded systems. Then there's Kermit. In all cases, the system's terminal emulation is put to good use instead of trying to reinvent one just for serial communication.
edit: I'll also mention picocom, which is immensely handy, has nothing excessive on it and builds very easily on systems that don't have it integrated.
On windos, I second putty or possibly teraterm. Putty makes a good ssh client, too, so it's handy to have around anyway.
XTLXTLYou can use X-CTU, which is a lightweight XBee programmer that has a very good serial terminal in one of its 4 tabs. It features
- Hexadecimal view
- Text view
- CTS, CD and DSR line statuses
- DTR, RTS and Break assertions
- 1-click port opening and closing
- Text editor for sending data in packets
- Clear screen button
I also found this excelent option: HTerm by Der-Hammer
Jader DiasJader DiasI had the same problem with my sparkFun LCD, and found Termite by CompuPhase, and it worked fine. On linux i just used stty and echo from bash.
Lcd Font Maker 3 92 Serial Portal
Lcd Font Maker 3 92 Serial Portland
$endgroup$Lcd Font Maker 3 92 Crack
protected by KortukDec 30 '12 at 6:25
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