Yum install kernel-3.6.8-2.fc17.x86_64. Yum install kernel-headers kernel-devel gcc. After the machine was rebooted and the new Kernel was chosen on the GRUB boot loader VMware Workstation was working was able to complete the installation once it was launched. Linux - Yum Install GCC - Missing Kernel-headers. Ask Question 28. When ever i try to install GCC on my linux (centos) It comes back with missing. Edited May 23 '17 at 12:26. Yum install kernel-headers --disableexcludes=all.
I have this preferences:
11 responses on “ The Complete Fedora Kernel Headers ”. 2005 at 17:12 Permalink. RHEL 3.0 by default didn’t install any kernel headers. I need to get the kernel headers for this kernel but when I do 'sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers' it downloads kernel headers for 4.4.34+ There is no GIT id for kernel version 4.4.34 - it jumps from 4.4.33 to 4.4.35 so I can't do a rpi-update to that version. Fedora which is the Community's free Red Hat, can also have the Linux Build and Kernel headers installed using the yum tool. Just use the following command to install the build and header files for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora Linux or CentOS.
All installed packages:
When I try to install some_package.rpm
it says that kernel and kernel-devel versions are different.How it could be fixed?
1 Answer
Use this to have the kernel devel version the same as your kernel version:
Paul Roub
How To Install Kernel Backdoor For Fbi 3ds