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<ul><li><p>DiplomaSyllabusMusic Performance</p><p>from 2005Diplom</p><p>aSyllabus</p><p>Music</p><p>Perform</p><p>ance</p><p>I SBN 978-1-86096-578-4</p><p>9 7 8 1 8 6 0 9 6 5 7 8 4</p><p>Diploma exam enquiries should be addressed to</p><p>UK & IrelandT +44 (0)20 7467 8829E diplomas@abrsm.ac.uk</p><p>All other countriesT +44 (0)20 7467 8818E internationaldiplomas@abrsm.ac.uk</p><p>Registered as a Charity No. 292182</p><p>ABRSM24 Portland PlaceLondon W1B 1LUUnited Kingdom</p><p>www.abrsm.org</p><p>Diploma Syllabus Music PeformanceWe encourage those preparing for our diplomas to read widely around theirsubject as part of their studies. The following ABRSM resources arerecommended for use when preparing for the diploma in Music Performance.</p><p>Music in WordsAn invaluable reference tool giving much needed adviceon how to research and write about music. It provides:</p><p> support for written tasks</p><p> a framework of independent research</p><p> a how-to guide and quick-reference inventory</p><p>Performers GuidesThese stimulating guides offer support in achieving stylistic performances ofmusic of the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods, as well as adding tothe knowledge and understanding of all music-lovers. All three guides:</p><p> help students to write programme notes for diplomas</p><p> discuss stylish performance in a clear, helpful and practical way</p><p> include a full-length CD of excerpts from authoritative recordings</p><p>Achieving Success (DVD)An indispensable guide for anyone preparing for ABRSMsdiploma in Music Performance, which includes:</p><p> exemplar performances, with commentary</p><p> advice on how to make the exam day go smoothly</p><p> interviews with successful candidates and an examiner</p><p>includ</p><p>es</p><p>includ</p><p>es</p><p>CD</p><p>Series EditorAnthony Burton</p><p>Classical PeriodofPERFORMERS</p><p>GUIDE TO MUSICTHE</p><p>A</p><p>includ</p><p>es</p><p>includ</p><p>es</p><p>CD</p><p>Series EditorAnthony Burton</p><p>Romantic PeriodofPERFORMERS</p><p>GUIDE TO MUSICTHE</p><p>A</p><p>includ</p><p>es</p><p>includ</p><p>es</p><p>CD</p><p>Series EditorAnthony Burton</p><p>Baroque PeriodofPERFORMERS</p><p>GUIDE TO MUSICTHE</p><p>A</p><p>MusicWordsIN</p><p>A Guide to Researching andWriting about Music</p><p>TREVOR HERBERT</p><p>ACHIEV INGSUCCESS</p><p>Preparing for yourDiploma in Music</p><p>Performance</p><p>DVDvideo</p><p>Diploma Syllabus Performance cover.qxp :Layout 1 21/3/11 16:59 Page 1</p></li><li><p>Cover design:kvik Design</p><p>Text design:Tamasin Cole</p><p>Printed in England:Caligraving Ltd</p><p>Thetford, Norfolk</p><p>SYLLABUS UPDATES (2010 reprint)</p><p>This syllabus is valid worldwide from January 2005 and will remain in force untilfurther notice.</p><p>At the reprint of this document in late 2010, the following minor changes have beenincorporated into the text: updates to the publisher information in the repertoire lists (and Appendix 4) updated information regarding UK accreditation (p. 122)</p><p>In all other respects the syllabus requirements remain unchanged.</p><p> 2004 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of MusicReprinted (with updated information) in 2005, 2007, 2010</p><p>00 Dip perf syll 2010_cover 20/12/2010 18:29 Page 2</p></li><li><p>Cover design:kvik Design</p><p>Text design:Tamasin Cole</p><p>Printed in England:Caligraving Ltd</p><p>Thetford, Norfolk</p><p>SYLLABUS UPDATES (2010 reprint)</p><p>This syllabus is valid worldwide from January 2005 and will remain in force untilfurther notice.</p><p>At the reprint of this document in late 2010, the following minor changes have beenincorporated into the text: updates to the publisher information in the repertoire lists (and Appendix 4) updated information regarding UK accreditation (p. 122)</p><p>In all other respects the syllabus requirements remain unchanged.</p><p> 2004 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of MusicReprinted (with updated information) in 2005, 2007, 2010</p><p>00 Dip perf syll 2010_cover 20/12/2010 18:29 Page 2</p><p>3</p><p>67</p><p>111418</p><p>2022</p><p>242526</p><p>30313233</p><p>369799</p><p>102112116118122</p><p>126</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>CONTENT OF THE MUSIC PERFORMANCE DIPLOMASOverview DipABRSMLRSMFRSMSummary of skills, knowledge and understanding at all levels</p><p>PREREQUISITES AND SUBSTITUTIONSPrerequisites and substitutionsAppropriate professional experience </p><p>SUBMISSIONS General information regarding submissionsProgramme Notes (DipABRSM and LRSM)Written Submission (FRSM)</p><p>PRACTICALITIES Before the exam (Entry)On the day of the examAfter the examOther matters</p><p>REPERTOIRE LISTSInstrumental and vocal repertoire listsOrchestral excerpts for FRSMAccepted related instruments</p><p>APPENDICESAppendix 1: Specimen questions and indicative responsesAppendix 2: Marking criteria Appendix 3: Application form for appropriate professional experience approvalAppendix 4: Music publishersAppendix 5: Accreditation (UK)</p><p>INDEX</p><p>01 Dip Perf syll 2010_2010 20/12/2010 18:27 Page 1</p></li><li><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>ABRSMs diplomas provide an authoritative assessment framework for a wide range ofmusicians performers, directors and teachers. Whether you are intending to pursue acareer in music, are currently working as a professional and wish to broaden yourqualifications, or are purely after the satisfaction of achieving a personal goal, you willfind that one of our diplomas is right for you.</p><p>There are three diploma subject-lines Music Performance, Music Direction, andInstrumental/ Vocal Teaching. Each subject-line has three levels of award: </p><p>DipABRSM Diploma of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music LRSM Licentiate of the Royal Schools of MusicFRSM Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music </p><p>The requirements within each subject-line at each level are generally comparable, andthe syllabus for each subject-line is published separately (NB from 2010 the MusicDirection syllabus is available online only, at www.abrsm.org/diplomas).</p><p>Encouraging diverse approaches to the performing, directing and teaching of music, thediplomas stimulate enjoyment and achievement through the progressive acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding. As a result, their usefulness has beenacknowledged by music services and agencies around the world. They are compatiblewith systems of assessment widely applied in higher education and encourage lifelonglearning, without restrictions on length of study or the requirement that you, thecandidate, are taught in an institution. In the UK they are accredited by the regulatoryauthorities (see p. 122).</p><p>The Music Performance diplomas are designed to reflect your day-to-day experience as aperformer, whether amateur or professional. As well as demonstrating your skills as a soloist,from LRSM level there is the opportunity for you to specialize as an orchestral player,chamber ensemble member or keyboard accompanist. There are also options, at allthree levels, to perform on an instrument related to your main instrument for a part ofyour Recital and to perform repertoire of your own choice. The following tasks are included: </p><p> compiling a balanced recital programme, finding editions that suit yourinterpretation best, and writing about the music</p><p> talking with confidence about the music and the way you interpret it sight-reading at short notice to a reasonable standard (Quick Study) putting on the best possible performance on the day. </p><p>You will need to satisfy the examiners that you have a command of your choseninstrument in the context of Western art music. (Throughout this syllabus, the terminstrument is used to include voice.) As you move up through the diploma levels you willfind that the repertoire becomes more demanding, the Recital time lengthens, and thechallenge of the Quick Study, and the scope and length of your written work, increase. Ateach level you will be assessed according to the overall quality of your performance, as wellas your understanding of and sensitivity to the demands of different types of repertoire.</p><p>In order to establish basic levels of competence, a specific prerequisite is required beforeentry can be made to any level. However, in line with our aim to provide open accessand to recognize your achievements, we offer a range of substitutions for theseprerequisites, including your previous learning and experience. The prerequisites andtheir substitutions are listed in the tables on pp. 2021. They are also to be found on ourwebsite (www.abrsm.org/diplomas), where any substitutions appearing after the issueof this syllabus will also be listed. We hope that you find the experience of taking one ofour diplomas stimulating, challenging and worthwhile, both during the period ofpreparation and in the exam itself.</p><p>3</p><p>01 Dip Perf syll 2010_2010 20/12/2010 18:27 Page 3</p></li><li><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>ABRSMs diplomas provide an authoritative assessment framework for a wide range ofmusicians performers, directors and teachers. Whether you are intending to pursue acareer in music, are currently working as a professional and wish to broaden yourqualifications, or are purely after the satisfaction of achieving a personal goal, you willfind that one of our diplomas is right for you.</p><p>There are three diploma subject-lines Music Performance, Music Direction, andInstrumental/ Vocal Teaching. Each subject-line has three levels of award: </p><p>DipABRSM Diploma of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music LRSM Licentiate of the Royal Schools of MusicFRSM Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music </p><p>The requirements within each subject-line at each level are generally comparable, andthe syllabus for each subject-line is published separately (NB from 2010 the MusicDirection syllabus is available online only, at www.abrsm.org/diplomas).</p><p>Encouraging diverse approaches to the performing, directing and teaching of music, thediplomas stimulate enjoyment and achievement through the progressive acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding. As a result, their usefulness has beenacknowledged by music services and agencies around the world. They are compatiblewith systems of assessment widely applied in higher education and encourage lifelonglearning, without restrictions on length of study or the requirement that you, thecandidate, are taught in an institution. In the UK they are accredited by the regulatoryauthorities (see p. 122).</p><p>The Music Performance diplomas are designed to reflect your day-to-day experience as aperformer, whether amateur or professional. As well as demonstrating your skills as a soloist,from LRSM level there is the opportunity for you to specialize as an orchestral player,chamber ensemble member or keyboard accompanist. There are also options, at allthree levels, to perform on an instrument related to your main instrument for a part ofyour Recital and to perform repertoire of your own choice. The following tasks are included: </p><p> compiling a balanced recital programme, finding editions that suit yourinterpretation best, and writing about the music</p><p> talking with confidence about the music and the way you interpret it sight-reading at short notice to a reasonable standard (Quick Study) putting on the best possible performance on the day. </p><p>You will need to satisfy the examiners that you have a command of your choseninstrument in the context of Western art music. (Throughout this syllabus, the terminstrument is used to include voice.) As you move up through the diploma levels you willfind that the repertoire becomes more demanding, the Recital time lengthens, and thechallenge of the Quick Study, and the scope and length of your written work, increase. Ateach level you will be assessed according to the overall quality of your performance, as wellas your understanding of and sensitivity to the demands of different types of repertoire.</p><p>In order to establish basic levels of competence, a specific prerequisite is required beforeentry can be made to any level. However, in line with our aim to provide open accessand to recognize your achievements, we offer a range of substitutions for theseprerequisites, including your previous learning and experience. The prerequisites andtheir substitutions are listed in the tables on pp. 2021. They are also to be found on ourwebsite (www.abrsm.org/diplomas), where any substitutions appearing after the issueof this syllabus will also be listed. We hope that you find the experience of taking one ofour diplomas stimulating, challenging and worthwhile, both during the period ofpreparation and in the exam itself.</p><p>3</p><p>01 Dip Perf syll 2010_2010 20/12/2010 18:27 Page 3</p></li><li><p>67</p><p>11</p><p>14</p><p>18</p><p>CONTENT OF THE MUSIC PERFORMANCEDIPLOMAS</p><p>Overview</p><p>DipABRSM</p><p>LRSM</p><p>FRSM</p><p>Summary of skills, knowledge and understanding at all levels</p><p>DIPLOMA CONTENT </p><p>01 Dip Perf syll 2010_2010 20/12/2010 18:27 Page 5</p></li><li><p>SECTION 1</p><p>SECTION 2</p><p>Overview</p><p>The Music Performance diplomas are available to instrumental and vocal performers.Through live and written components, you, the candidate, will be examined in yourcommand of performance technique and interpretative skill coupled with anappropriate knowledge of the idiom and repertoire of your instrument/voice. The diplomas are conducted in English (see p. 34) and are assessed wherever possible bytwo examiners.</p><p>Before you can enter for a Music Performance diploma, you will need to show that youfulfil a specific ABRSM prerequisite as evidence that you have reached a requiredminimum level of competence. The table on pp. 2021 lists the prerequisites and theirpossible substitutions.</p><p>Each level of diploma comprises a number of requirements that you must satisfy in full. The requirements are divided into two sections, as outlined below. You must passall the requirements of both sections in order for your diploma to be awarded. The requirements must be met in full within three years.</p><p> an instrumental or vocal Recital. </p><p>Section 2.1</p><p> a Viva Voce, entailing a discussion with the examiners. </p><p> a written assignment (relating to your Recital programme) which you should beprepared to discuss as part of your Viva Voce, and which contributes to the Viva Vocemark. At DipABRSM and LRSM levels, this assignment takes the form ofProgramme Notes, which must be presented to the examiners on the day of theexam. At FRSM level, you are required to prepare a Written Submission, which youmust send to ABRSM with your entry. </p><p>Section 2.2</p><p> a Quick Study performance of a short piece of unaccompanied and previouslyunseen music.</p><p>Full descriptions of each level of diploma, including preparation guidance, are given onthe following pages. All practical information about taking a diploma is described inPracticalities (pp. 2934).</p><p>OVERVIEW6DIPL</p><p>OMA CO</p><p>NTEN</p><p>T</p><p>01 Dip Perf syll 2010_2010 20/12/2010 18:27 Page 6</p></li><li><p>SECTION 1</p><p>SECTION 2</p><p>Overview</p><p>The Music Performance diplomas are available to instrumental and vocal performers.Through live and written components, you, the candidate, will be examined in yourcommand of performance technique and interpretative skill coupled with anappropriate knowledge of the idiom and repertoire of your instrument/voice. The diplomas are conducted in English (see p. 34) and are assessed wherever possible bytwo examiners.</p><p>Before you can enter for a Music Performance diploma, you will need to show that youfulfil a specific ABRSM prerequisite as evidence that you have reached a requiredminimum level of competence. The table on pp. 2021 lists the prerequisites and theirpossible substitutions.</p><p>Each level of diploma comprises a number of requirements that you must satisfy in full. The requirements are divided into two sections,...</p></li></ul>
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